Disclosure of a transparency notification
The enclosed information constitutes regulated information as defined in the Royal Decree of 14 November 2007 on the obligations of issuers of financial instruments admitted to trading on a regulated market.
Brussels, 10 December 2019 – Telenet Group Holding NV (“Telenet” or the “Company”) (Euronext Brussels: TNET) hereby discloses, in accordance with article 14, first paragraph of the Law of 2 May 2007, that, on 9 December 2019, it received two transparency notifications dated 6 and 9 December 2019 respectively from BlackRock, Inc., BlackRock (Netherlands) B.V., BlackRock (Singapore) Limited, BlackRock Advisors (UK) Limited, BlackRock Advisors, LLC, BlackRock Asset Management Canada Limited, BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG, BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited, BlackRock Financial Management, Inc., BlackRock Fund Advisors, BlackRock Institutional Trust Company, National Association, BlackRock International Limited, BlackRock Investment Management (Australia) Limited, BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited, BlackRock Investment Management, LLC and BlackRock Japan Co., Ltd., in accordance with articles 6 and 18 of the Law of 2 May 2007.