Telenet empowers young local talent at Mechelen summer school

Telenet empowers young local talent at Mechelen summer school

Mechelen, August 23, 2023 - From August 7th to 18th, Telenet welcomed 60 students from the Mechelen summer school. Through workshops centered on digital skills, the provider of entertainment and telecommunication services supported the city of Mechelen's initiative for the third consecutive year. This edition proved to be another tremendous success, with enthusiastic participation from both the students and Telenet volunteers!

Giving local young talent a boost

Since the summer of 2000, the city of Mechelen has been organizing the 'Talent Gets Summer Opportunity' also known as Mechelen summer school. Here, preschoolers, primary school students, and non-Dutch-speaking students can further hone their talents during the summer break. This initiative ensures that children begin the new academic year with added confidence. A mission Telenet has wholeheartedly supported for three straight years.

As a prominent organization and employer in Mechelen, Telenet recognizes the importance of investing in the local community. The provider of entertainment and telecommunication services demonstrates this commitment by providing its headquarters for the summer school and having Telenet volunteers lead various workshops.

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This edition featured three workshops exploring the realms of the digital world, digital skills, and digital professions. On one hand, Telenet aims to narrow the digital gap by playfully imparting digital knowledge to children. On the other hand, Telenet wants to encourage and motivate children through their workshops to explore career paths in technology-related fields.

"The summer school is a wonderful initiative that helps children develop their talents further. As a big local player, we feel it’s important to contribute to this and give back to the Mechelen community. We do this by welcoming two classes to our headquarters where our team members lead workshops that encourage children to strengthen their digital skills. These skills are indispensable in the 21st century, underpinning learning, work, and leisure." - Elise Verlinden, Telenet's Corporate Social Responsibility Manager.

Digital skills in the spotlight

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For the "Digital Skills" workshop, Telenet volunteers utilized educational resources from CoderDojo, a non-profit that offers free group sessions for children and teens to learn programming. Through this workshop, Telenet sought to enhance critical thinking, problem-solving capabilities, and logical reasoning among young participants.

In the "Digital Literacy" workshop, students were immersed in the online universe. They were educated about online safety risks such as fake news, cyberbullying, phishing, and the implications of photo sharing. The endless potential of the internet, especially AI, was showcased as students crafted poems with the assistance of ChatGPT. Lastly, as part of the "Digital Talent" workshop, students were treated to a tour at Telenet HQ, where they were introduced to various digital professions.

"I was initially apprehensive about going to the summer school, but it ended up being an amazing experience! I uncovered new talents and acquired skills that will be valuable for the new school year." - Phoebe, participating student in the summer school
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The participants weren't the only ones who had a rewarding experience; the volunteers also cherish their time at the Mechelen summer school.

"Every year, Telenet provides us the chance to dedicate two days to volunteering and giving back to the community. It's wonderful that we get to equip the upcoming generation with digital skills through the summer school. These skills range from technical ones like coding to guiding the youngsters on safe web navigation and understanding artificial intelligence." - Florentine, Telenet volunteer

A mission with impact

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Safe to say that the fourth edition of the summer school, the third with Telenet's support, made quite the impact. Yet, the journey doesn't conclude here for the Mechelen-based telecommunications giant. Telenet remains steadfast in its mission to bridge the digital divide sustainably. Beyond fortifying digital skills in partnership with influential organizations, ensuring quality internet connectivity and providing access to essential hardware are vital.

Are you involved in a school, a social welfare center, or another community organization? Join the Essential Internet program as a partner and aid those requiring affordable internet access. Learn more!

Do you have an old, still functioning laptop? Give your old laptop a new life through Heartware. Together with Entrepreneurs for a Warm Belgium, we ensure that the refurbished laptop goes to someone in need. 

Are you digital-savvy? Sign up as a volunteer at your local digipoint to help fellow residents strengthen their skills.

About Telenet SA

As a provider of entertainment and telecommunication services in Belgium, Telenet Group is always looking for the perfect experience in the digital world for its customers. Under the brand name Telenet, the company focuses on offering digital television, high-speed Internet and fixed and mobile telephony services to residential customers in Flanders and Brussels.

Under the brand name BASE, it supplies mobile telephony in Belgium. The Telenet Business department serves the business market in Belgium and Luxembourg with connectivity, hosting and security solutions. More than 3,000 employees have one aim in mind: making living and working easier and more pleasant.

Telenet Group is part of Telenet Group Holding NV and is a 100% owned subsidiary of Liberty Global. Liberty Global is one of the world’s leading converged video, broadband and communications companies, innovating and empowering people in six countries across Europe to make the most of the digital revolution. For more information, we refer to

The Telenet newsroom can be found at

Telenet SA
Liersesteenweg 4
2800 Mechelen
BTW BE 0473.416.418
RPR Antwerpen, afd. Mechelen