Series kills the movie star? We watch a quarter more series than three years ago.

Series kills the movie star? We watch a quarter more series than three years ago.

Telenet is extending its entertainment package: International top series, including everything from HBO, are now also available on Play.

Mechelen, 19 November 2018 – On the basis of viewer behaviour among Flemings and an extensive customer survey, Telenet is adapting the content of its Play entertainment package. As of 26 November, all international series - which are presently clustered only on Play More - will also be available on Play. The popular series made by the American production house, HBO, with which Telenet has recently concluded a new contract, are also being added to this package. Moreover, an extension to the agreement means that Telenet now has access to the entire catalogue of content the production company has ever made, including The Sopranos, True Blood, The Wire, and Rome. Moreover, Play will continue to guarantee an extensive domestic offer, kids, content, and the function of being able to watch programmes up to seven days after the broadcast.

Four years after the launch of entertainment packages Play and Play More, Telenet is taking stock. The company has conducted some extensive research to find out what Flemings expect from such television services. It has emerged from that research that Play customers particularly want to see the first releases of the best international series, plus some solid local content. On Play More, customers primarily expect film blockbusters, together with international series. These findings are also reflected in viewing behaviour. In 2017, for the first time, Play customers spent more time watching series than films. On average, they watch 15 episodes of series each month; that’s 23% more than three years ago. Furthermore, they also watch an average of nine films retrospectively each month. On Play More, most of the viewing times are still spent watching films. These customers are real content gluttons; each month, they watch one and a half times as many films and a quarter more episodes of series than Play customers. 

Benchmark for series

On the basis of this trend, Telenet is reinforcing its approach on Play. To be precise, Telenet is extending the package to include all international series which have previously been available only on Play More, including popular series such as Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, Westworld, and Siren. Customers will also be able to see new seasons through Play, as far as possible at the same time as viewers in the United States.

The renewal of the contract with production company, HBO, makes it possible not only to cluster the latest series in the package, but also to integrate the entire catalogue with all productions, including iconic programmes such as The Sopranos, The Wire, Rome, and True Blood. Play will be the ‘Home of HBO’ more than ever before. Click here for more information.

More Flemish programmes as well

International content, and especially American films and series, are obviously very popular. However, last year, for the first time, customer spent more time in their Play package on local fiction than on international fiction. Telenet is still committed to local films and series (before they appear on the TV channels) and has given financial support to no fewer than 67 film and series projects over the last three years. Amigo’s, Chaussée d’Amour, Gent West and It’s Showtime!, to name but a few, are among the most popular local series on Play. De Dag has recently reached the summit of one million view requests. In the near future, Telenet will also be the first to offer its customers the new season of Auwch and D5R through its platform. Where possible, by means of cooperation with TV channels, the company is also clustering older series, such as recently with Woestijnvis TV or previously with 20 years of Ketnet. The range of local content in the package has increased by 52% over the last three years.

Ils Neuts, VP Entertainment Telenet, says: ‘On the basis of market research, we have decided to reposition Play on the market with a stronger content and at an affordable price point. Our pool of customers has continued to grow steadily since the launch of Play and Play More in 2014, especially on Play. With this next step, we aim to reach a wider target group and become an absolute benchmark for series. This is how we are meeting demand among Flemings and combining the best of the international and local markets, including well-known popular films and series and the latest productions. Our contracts with major international studios enable us to make a top-class selection from the huge range of productions each year. Locally, too, we’ve entered into agreements with broadcasters and we’re investing millions annually in local content. To be precise, we’ve invested 25 million euros over the last three years in 67 film and series projects which were released for the first time for Telenet customers. Furthermore, we’re also working actively on new opportunities in local fiction, and, shortly, for instance, you’ll be able to play a leading part yourself in virtual reality in “De Dag” in The Park.’

Apart from the local range and the international series, subscribers on Play can still enjoy extensive content for children and Terugkijk-TV (the opportunity to watch TV programmes up to seven days after the broadcast). As a result of the new provision, the price of the package will increase from  €10 to €11.95 per month. The proposition and price of Play More stays the same; here, viewers have everything from Play, plus a very extensive range of recent films, blockbusters, and extra film and theme channels.

Trailer park

In the light of this new positioning, Telenet is opening a real trailer park. Six trailers or caravans are being set up at Meatpack in Antwerp. They will be set up in full and in detail in the atmosphere and style of an iconic local or international series: Gent West, Insecure, Game of Thrones, The Sopranos, The Walking Dead, and True Blood. This means visitors can spend a night in one of their favourite series. All information about this trailer park can be found in this press release.  

News Entertainment
About Telenet SA

As a provider of entertainment and telecommunication services in Belgium, Telenet Group is always looking for the perfect experience in the digital world for its customers. Under the brand name Telenet, the company focuses on offering digital television, high-speed Internet and fixed and mobile telephony services to residential customers in Flanders and Brussels.

Under the brand name BASE, it supplies mobile telephony in Belgium. The Telenet Business department serves the business market in Belgium and Luxembourg with connectivity, hosting and security solutions. More than 3,000 employees have one aim in mind: making living and working easier and more pleasant.

Telenet Group is part of Telenet Group Holding NV and is a 100% owned subsidiary of Liberty Global. Liberty Global is one of the world’s leading converged video, broadband and communications companies, innovating and empowering people in six countries across Europe to make the most of the digital revolution. For more information, we refer to

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